Binary Tree
Unlocking the Digital Forest: Journey into the World of Binary Trees!
Unlocking the Digital Forest: Journey into the World of Binary Trees!
A binary tree is a hierarchical data structure composed of nodes, each having at most two children: a left child and a right child. The topmost node is called the root, and nodes with no children are leaves. Binary trees provide a flexible and efficient way to organize and retrieve data.
Pre Order:
In Order
Post Order
#include <iostream> using namespace std; struct node { struct node *left; int val; struct node *right; node() : val(0), left(nullptr), right(nullptr){}; node(int v) : val(v), left(nullptr), right(nullptr){}; node(int v, node *l, node *r) : val(v), left(l), right(r){}; }; class BinaryTree { private: node *root; int level = 0; void createTree() {} void preOrder(node *n); void inOrder(node *n); void postOrder(node *n); public: BinaryTree(); void showTree(); }; // ====================== DRIVER FUNCTION =========================== int main() { BinaryTree b; b.showTree(); return 0; } // ================================================================== BinaryTree::BinaryTree() { node *newNode = new node(1); root = newNode; root->left = new node(2); root->right = new node(3); root->left->left = new node(4); root->left->right = new node(8); root->right->right = new node(5); root->right->left = new node(6); } void BinaryTree::postOrder(node *n) { if (n == nullptr) return; postOrder(n->left); postOrder(n->right); cout << n->val << " "; }; void BinaryTree::inOrder(node *n) { if (n == nullptr) return; inOrder(n->left); cout << n->val << " "; inOrder(n->right); }; void BinaryTree::preOrder(node *n) { if (n == nullptr) return; cout << n->val << " "; preOrder(n->left); preOrder(n->right); }; void BinaryTree::showTree() { cout << "Pre-Order: "; preOrder(root); cout << endl << "In-Order: "; inOrder(root); cout << endl << "Post-Order: "; postOrder(root); }
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