Linked List
Unlocking Flexibility: Linked Lists in the Dynamic World of Data.
Unlocking Flexibility: Linked Lists in the Dynamic World of Data.
A linked list is a linear data structure consisting of nodes, where each node points to the next one in the sequence.
Unlike arrays, linked lists do not have a fixed size, and their elements are dynamically allocated, facilitating efficient insertion and deletion operations.
Linked lists come in various forms, including singly linked lists, doubly linked lists, and circular linked lists, each with unique characteristics.
#include <iostream> using namespace std; typedef struct node { int info; node *next; } node; // Operate on the start of the list (insert/delete/display) class operateStart { private: node *head = nullptr; public: void insertStart(int); int deleteStart(); void displayLL(); }; // Operate at the end of the list (insert/delete/display) class operateEnd { private: node *head = nullptr; node *tail = nullptr; public: void insertAtEnd(int); int deleteEnd(); void displayLL(); }; // --------------- DRIVER FUNCTION ---------------- int main() { // insert/delete start operateStart ll1; ll1.insertStart(101); ll1.insertStart(202); ll1.insertStart(303); ll1.insertStart(404); cout << "For Operation From The Start Of LL" << endl; ll1.displayLL(); int del = ll1.deleteStart(); cout << "DELETED VALUE-------> " << del << endl; ll1.displayLL(); cout << endl << endl; // insert/delete end operateEnd ll2; cout << "For Operation From The End Of LL" << endl; ll2.insertAtEnd(111); ll2.insertAtEnd(222); ll2.insertAtEnd(333); ll2.displayLL(); ll2.deleteEnd(); ll2.deleteEnd(); ll2.deleteEnd(); ll2.displayLL(); return 0; } // --------------- START OPERATION FUNCTIONS ---------------- // Insertion At The Start void operateStart::insertStart(int value) { node *temp = nullptr; temp = new node; temp->info = value; if (head == nullptr) { temp->next = nullptr; head = temp; return; } temp->next = head; head = temp; return; } // Deletion From The Start int operateStart::deleteStart() { if (head == nullptr) { cout << "Nothing to delete" << endl; return -1; } int deleted = head->info; node *temp = nullptr; temp = new node; temp = head; head = head->next; temp->next = nullptr; delete temp; return deleted; } // Display all the elements of the linked list void operateStart::displayLL() { node *iter = nullptr; iter = head; while (iter != nullptr) { cout << iter->info << " "; iter = iter->next; } cout << endl; }; // ---------------------------------------------------------- // --------------------- END OPERATION FUNCTIONS ------------------------ // Insertion At The Last void operateEnd::insertAtEnd(int value) { node *temp = nullptr; temp = new node; temp->info = value; temp->next = nullptr; if (head == nullptr) { head = temp; tail = temp; } else { tail->next = temp; tail = temp; } } // Deletion From The End int operateEnd::deleteEnd() { if (tail == nullptr) { cout << "Nothing to delete" << endl; return -1; } int deleted = tail->info; if (tail == head) { free(head); head = nullptr; tail = nullptr; return deleted; } node *iter; iter = head; while (iter->next != tail) { iter = iter->next; } iter->next = nullptr; free(tail); tail = iter; return deleted; } // Display all the elements of the linked list void operateEnd::displayLL() { node *iter = nullptr; iter = head; while (iter != nullptr) { cout << iter->info << " "; iter = iter->next; } cout << endl; }; // ----------------------------------------------------------
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